The Resuscitation Research Group at the EMS999 Research for Impact forum

The Resuscitation Research Group showcased their latest projects at the recent prehospital research conference in Stirling.
Ernisa Marzuki, Paul Gowens, Frank Prior, and Gareth Clegg all attended the EMS999 Research for Impact forum in 999 Emergency Care hosted by the Scottish Ambulance Service and the University of Stirling. Gareth Clegg delivered an inspiring speech about “Prehospital research and the (C) ABC of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest” – (C) ABC standing for: Complaint, Audit, Basics, Clever Stuff
“You have the opportunity to change your world and the world for your patients, what kind of dent are we going to leave in the world when we move on?”
Our group presented five posters in total:
Linking pre-hospital Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest data to in-hospital outcomes in order to improve the ‘Chain of Survival’
Sandpiper WILDCAT project – saving lives after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in rural Grampian
Exploring the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the general public to responding to Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (in partnership with the University of Stirling)
Sharing and verbalisation of plans in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest resuscitation
Rapid assessment of membrane osmotic pressure as a guide to resuscitation in the acutely shocked patient
The forum aimed to encourage, promote and disseminate research and evidence-based policy and practice in 999 health-care.