Edinburgh Cardiac Arrest Symposium 2014 in pictures

Below are some photos from the Edinburgh Cardiac Arrest Symposium in Pollock Halls on 27th March 2014. It was an excellent occasion! Thank you to all who helped make this a great day, especially our sponsors – Physio-Control, Zoll, Edesix, Laerdal and Cardiac Services.
Thanks also to our talented in-house photographer Ola Gruszczynska www.3faeries.com.
The Symposium was attended by over 260 people from a variety of locations and with a range of job titles – all had an interest in improving outcomes after OHCA. In addition the proceedings were watched at over 500 locations via the live webcast.
The second session continued after coffee with an examination of the role of mechanical CPR in prehospital resuscitation after OHCA.
After lunch Colin Robertson chaired the third session. First he introduced Niklas Nielsen – who gave the the Medic One Lecture. This was followed by presentations covering suspended animation and PCI after OHCA.
The final part of the day began with a discussion of the crucial role of non-technical skills in prehospital resuscitation and was followed by a video demonstration of the 3RU team and their ‘perfect 10’ protocol. Colin Robertson ended the day’s proceedings with an excellent, entertaining and somewhat subversive vision of the future of OHCA resuscitation.