OHCA strategy tops the NHS Scotland’s Annual Report
Scotland’s OHCA strategy is featured up front and centre in the NHS Scotland CEO’s 2014/15 annual report. Gregor Newton tells his story, followed by Paul Gowens and Gareth Clegg outlining Scotland’s ambition to be in the ‘premier league’ when it comes to OHCA survival.
read the report here: http://www.nhsscotannualreport.scot/
Gregor and Judy have an amazing story to tell – and they want to share it.
The story of how Gregor was resuscitated after a sudden collapse illustrates the successful operation of the chain of survival in a rural area. Early recognition that Gregor’s heart had stopped, a call for help and bystander CPR with coaching from the Ambulance Control Centre (ACC) bought time until further help arrived. This part of rural Scotland can be difficult to reach quickly with an emergency ambulance and ACC were able to summon the help of a community first responder to deploy a defibrillator while the paramedic crew were on their way.
The Chain of Survival worked perfectly for Gregor – how do we ensure that his experience is the norm?
#SCAS15 – How do we build a system to save lives?